Two ghastly Vampire Tales have already been completed to keep you awake at night !!!
"The Curse of Count Louis Vincenti"
"The Curse of the Virgin Magdalena DePeau"
Keep the Garlic Wreaths around your bedroom door!!!
Do NOT take off your Christian Cross!!!
Have your house Blessed, by a Holy Man!!!
Insure you are fully protected before you open a single page, or you are doomed!!!
Again, our author is torn from peaceful slumber in the darkest part of a night, bathed in cold sweat, with a Gothic Horror Story
etched into his feverish mind!
“The Curse of Count Louis Vencenti”
Long before travelling to Transylvania in 2004, ANTON VON STEFAN had written “The Curse of Count Louis Vencenti”, a classic Gothic Horror tale that takes the reader from Venice in the mid 16th Century to what is now Romania and back. Following the ancient salt merchant’s route from Italy north to Innsbruck and then east onto the fortress of Salzburg, the reader finally arrives in Passau. Moving further south and east along the relatively flat land that skirts the Danube, the pages of the book 'flow' through Vienna and Budapest. The saga then enters the Hungarian Plains to the foot hills of the Carpathian Mountains. Climbing into the heart of the Transylvanian Alps, where peaks reach over 2,500 metres, the reader crosses into a relatively unknown region where one reaches the domain ruled by the count. Yet, by the powers of the Church and granted by the bishop of Venice, members of The Society of Jesus arrive with a decree that must be met at pain of death. What transpires becomes a vampire tale with epic implications, especially for those who follow this genre and know of another classic vampire originating from this very region.
“The Curse of the Virgin Magdalena DePeau”
“The Curse of the Virgin Magdalena DePeau” is a Gothic vampire tale that takes place in the present day. Set in eastern Hungary just six years before the fall of the Soviet Empire, this ghastly tale will keep you glued to the blood stained pages. The result of a dream where after, in the dead of night, the clear vision of an ornate, three-story, Victorian mansion, lit up in the rich colours of an evening sun, were vividly etched into the author’s mind. The brilliant radiance of light, as it passed through large, stain glass windows on the main floor of this palatial home were all part of that bizarre memory the Greek god, Morpheus, placed into the writer’s mind. Interestingly, the author, ANTON VON STEFAN, inadvertently placed himself behind the wheel of the sleek, Mercedes cabriolet in this horror story, a tale that follows the fictional folklore of a virgin vampire on her saintly 'Name day'.
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