The Twisted Biography of the author
To follow the path across Canada chosen by
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Part thirteen - the Gothic author on the move
With the permutation in our author’s life in June of the year 2012, the time to seek a publisher or printing house with which to bring his Gothic Horror Stories to press has indeed come.
Without hesitation, ANTON VON STEFAN left house and home behind, packed his synomym finder, his trusted dictionary, his manuscripts, his laptop, his laser printer, reams of paper and ink, then headed out into the unknown realm more commonly called Canada!
Jumping into the Pacific Ocean with both feet at Mile 0 of the Trans Canada Highway, he embarked from those western shores to cross this great country. With nothing but time on his hands, he is presently literarily working his way across the mulitude of mountain ranges to gain the relative flatlands east of the Rocky Mountains.
As each of the roads will eventually lead to his final destination, wayside locations of interest and of beauty call forth and halt his progress. Yet, on every occasion, these stops along the path he has chosen result in the extraction of his gothic work. For hours at a time, passing tourists or locals have already spotted the author hard at work. Weather at a simple picnic table in a rest stop, a campsite, or within the boudarys of a town or city, he can be seen virtually riveted to his chair. His only movements are his clear, inquisitive eyes as they scan every word of the manuscript before him, the jotting of words between lines, the deletion of others and the occasional turning of a corrected page.
Follow his journey across Canada by clicking on Twisted Biography, Part 14, and 'The Gothic Road to St John’s' as his biographical history expands.
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