Here we travel back to my own past. If you have read my “Twisted Biography” within my web site,, you may recall that I was “born to a mother that had died three years before”. In part two of that "Twisted Biography" I explain a part of this apparent impossibility.
During the birth of my brother, my mother was clinically dead for more than three minutes. During all that time, she was not only able to extract her spirit from her immobile corporal form, but she was completely free of that earthbound flesh. While I was young, she often related that experience to the wide-eyed and awe struck child who was to become ANTON VON STEFAN. She spoke of how she was able to float about the room at will and how she watched “from above” as the doctors abandoned the effort of trying to revive both ‘dead’ individuals (my brother was also clinically dead at birth, I was told), and how they then concentrated their full endeavours on trying to save at least one of the two humans lying ‘dead’ before them. It apparently took great effort, but once they actually received a response from that newborn child, and only after he began to cry, did my mother make the decision not to abandon that child. It was hers and this baby needed a mother to nurture it.
What is not written in the “Twisted Biography” is that my brother was my mother’s second child. Her first born had also died, but did not ‘come back to life’ and was buried a few days after that memorable ‘birth’. Perhaps, had my brother also perished in that hospital room, my mother may have opted to join in on the spirit world that very day so long ago, and I would never have arrived to write this horrid tale.
Within “The Death of Mrs Witmore” we also have an individual who is very near death. They are also able to roam the vicinity of where their comatose body rests; but, during that period of the supernatural, out-of-body experience, this spirit becomes privy to a most horrid truth. As with most good, ghost stories, the revenge brought about is a most gruesome result of that restless spirit, an apparition who unwittingly had obtained that accursed knowledge. Enjoy the tale!
Anton Von Stefan, October 2013
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